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Top 16 Reasons to Coach

  1. You get to spend most of your summer with other people's kids instead of your own.
  2. You get to rake fields and set up bases just like a real grounds crew member.
  3. You get the credit whenever a kid isn't playing well.
  4. You get to put off your vacation until right before school starts.
  5. You get a great farmer's tan.
  6. You get to be the last one home after a game.
  7. You get thick skin by being second guessed about 2500 times or so by parents.
  8. You get to spend a lot of evenings of the phone instead of with your wife.
  9. You gain deeper insight into the game by hearing such novel bits of wisdom as "straighten it out" from the stands.
  10. You get to drive a bunch of dirty kids around in your car.
  11. You have lots of meaningful conversations with parents, like about how great their kids can pitch.
  12. You get great insight into emotional disorders in children in case you want to pursue a career in counseling.
  13. You get to leave work early to get to the field early.
  14. You get to leave work even earlier to pick up kids without rides.
  15. You develop humility when the kids get the credit for wins and you get blamed for losses.
  16. You get to have a party at your house after the season with your own food and pop

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Dichos y Refranes

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