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Build A Baseball Field

Build It Right And They Will Come

By: Tom "TBone" Baker
Scout - Pittsburgh Pirates

Above all remember this.... Your field should last for many many years. Therefore, you will regret for all those years any short-changes you allow to be included. It only costs a little more to build a first class facility.

The area required for a baseball field should be 400 feet by 400 feet, an area of approximately three acres. This will allow for Dugouts and bleachers as well as the playing area.

Its orientation may vary a little, depending on where the field will be located and the time the games will be played (afternoon or twilight). It is recommended that the line from home plate through the pitcher's mound toward second base run East-Northeast.

The official diamond is 90 feet on a side, with dimensions across the diamond 127 feet 3-3/8 inches. There should be a minimum of 60 feet from home plate to the backstop. From home plate, down the foul lines to the outfield fence, the distance varies. However, 320 feet should be the minimum. The shortest part of the ball park is usually down the foul lines with the fence gradually going out to reach its deepest point in center.

A large frame backstop with a sturdy wire fence should be located 60 feet behind home plate. This backstop should be a minimum of 20 feet high to help keep the ball in the field of play. Attached to each end of the backstop should be a fence at least four feet high, 60 feet from the nearer foul line, and extending to the outfield fence where they join in foul territory at least 45 feet from he foul line. The outfield fence should be eight feet high for maximum safety. All fence posts should be on the outside of the playing area.

Dugouts, warning track, scoreboard, press box, auxiliary mounds, and other accessories should be considered. Dugouts are too often built too small, with not enough headroom. It is recommended that the end of one dugout be used for storage. The traditional dugout, sunk into the ground to allow for spectator clearance, is costly because of drainage problems.

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