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Scholastic year by year break down of what to be doing, and when to do it, to help a player achieve the goal of playing at the "next level" |

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Questions About College Baseball Recruiting

Coach Tim Corbin
Vanderbilt University University
Head Baseball Coach
Note: At the time of this interview Coach Corbin was the head assistant coach and
recruiting coordinator at Clemson University

Question: :How important is it for a player to attend a college
team's summer camp? (Assuming that he is interested in a particular school)
Answer: It can be very important -- 14 of our current
players have been signed from our camps. It gives us an
opportunity to see a player for 5 days
Question: When should a player write a letter of introduction
to a college coach? (9th grade, 10th grade, etc.)
Answer: The best time is during his junior year
Question: Is it better to have the high school coach write /
send the first letter? |
Answer: If he is a player that is capable of performing at
this level (Top 30 / D1) It is better to have the coach call us.
Question: Do sending copies of high school / summer team
statistics help? Are they of value to you, when included with an
introductory letter? |
Answer: Not really -- statistics can vary a lot depending
on the quality of competition that the player has faced
Question: Should a player or coach send copies of clippings
from local newspapers that include highlights about the player?
Answer: No
Question: Are the "online" internet recruiting services
taken seriously by college coaches? Would you recommend them to a
high school player and his family? |
Answer: They are not overly helpful to me because most
recruiting services are diluted with players that can not
play at our level
Question: Should a player send a video tape of himself in
baseball situations and games? How important is the editing of the tape?
Should it be professionally done? |
Answer: Video tape is somewhat helpful if you can see the
player take some swings (hit) and field his position. It does not
need to be done by a professional.
Question: If a tape is beneficial to you what suggestions would
you make? What should be included? |
Answer: Hitting from the open side -- fielding ground balls or
fly balls -- seeing a pitcher from behind the catcher with a radar held
up after the pitch to show the velocity
Question: :What items would you suggest to "leave out" of a tape?
Answer: Music and other such extras -- just use
plain old work out footage
Question: Assuming that a player has received and completed /
returned a "baseball questionnaire" from a college, is it a good idea
to contact the coach by telephone? |
Answer: That's OK
Question: When, in your opinion, would be the right time period
for a player to contact a coach? Two part question .... What grade? What
time of year? |
Answer: During the summer of his junior / senior year
Question: With the continuous increase in the number of "Showcases",
in recent years ... How important is it for a player to attend this type of
event? |
Answer: That depends on the showcase -- Many are only
"money makers" now
Question: Does the fact that a player has attended an "invitation only"
type Showcase, such as Team One, Area Code or Top Gun help a player when he
expresses an interest in a particular college? |
Answer: It can, just because those Showcases are highly attended
Question: How important is a player's physical appearance? I do not mean
is he 6'-1" tall and weigh 200 pounds. What I am referring to is tattoos, body
piercing, dress, odd hair styles, etc. Are any or all of these items a "negative"
to a college coach? |
Answer: YES -- you can only have one chance for a first impression
Question: If a player has a bad game, when a college coach is
in the stands watching him for the first time, does that mean it is
"over" as far as that school is concerned
Answer: Absolutely Not
Question: How important is a player's "attitude appearance" when in
a game or at a practice? |
Answer: VERY IMPORTANT -- mental toughness may be the most
important criteria to a college coach
Question: Academics and Grades .... Is a player that has (for example)
a 3.25 core grade point average and "qualifying" score on his standardized
test (ACT or SAT) any more readily "looked at" than a player that tells
you that it will be "nip and tuck" for him to qualify?
Answer: Not really -- it depends on how close the "nip
and tuck" player is. If he can not meet the NCAA requirements than
he is not recruitable.
Question: :Do the college coaches ever call or talk
to professional scouts about a prospective player / recruit?
Answer: Sometimes
Question: Does a prospective college player benefit by
attending the one(1) day professional "try-out" days that are held
around the country each summer? |
Answer: You benefit that professional team only

Coach Tim Corbin
Head Baseball Coach
Vanderbilt University Baseball
2601 Jess Neely Drive
Nashville, TN 37212


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