Recruiting Timeline
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Scholastic year by year break down of what to be doing, and when to do it, to help a player achieve the goal of playing at the "next level" |

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Questions About College Baseball Recruiting

Coach John Jarnigan
Head Baseball Coach
Morehead State University
Morehead, Kentucky

Question: :How important is it for a player to attend a college
team's summer camp? (Assuming that he is interested in a particular school)
Answer: I think it has value because you get to see
the coaching staff in another light. It is a chance to build a
relationship for both parties.
Question: When should a player write a letter of introduction
to a college coach? (9th grade, 10th grade, etc.)
Answer: At the very end of his 11th grade year. That
summer is the "recruiting" summer. He may attend camps prior to that -
for exposure
Question: Is it better to have the high school coach write /
send the first letter? |
Answer: Both
Question: Do sending copies of high school / summer team
statistics help? Are they of value to you, when included with an
introductory letter? |
Answer: Maybe -- It depends on where he plays -- measuring
Question: Should a player or coach send copies of clippings
from local newspapers that include highlights about the player?
Answer: I really don't know -- If we are on a guy we
watch everything he does so it is helpful
Question: Are the "online" internet recruiting services
taken seriously by college coaches? Would you recommend them to a
high school player and his family? |
Answer: NO! Not yet. Would I recommend? Not for the
price they are asking. Bottom line -- the player must be good enough.
Question: Should a player send a video tape of himself in
baseball situations and games? How important is the editing of the tape?
Should it be professionally done? |
Answer: YES -- very important -- it draws a program to
that baseball player
Question: If a tape is beneficial to you what suggestions would
you make? What should be included? |
Answer: It must be short but have all of the player's
components. I suggest all game footage.
Question: :What items would you suggest to "leave out" of a tape?
Answer: Anything that does not deal with the player's game
Question: Assuming that a player has received and completed /
returned a "baseball questionnaire" from a college, is it a good idea
to contact the coach by telephone? |
A player may call at anytime -- but if they have not been called by the
program -- they may be waiting or they do not have a need at that player's
After the player's 11th grade year -- then again in the fall of the senior
year (Jan, Feb, March)
Question: With the continuous increase in the number of "Showcases",
in recent years ... How important is it for a player to attend this type of
event? |
Answer: To me very important because he gets to be seen by a lot of
schools quickly. The
only thing is that they really cost which is a risk in itself
Question: Does the fact that a player has attended an "invitation only"
type Showcase, such as Team One, Area Code or Top Gun help a player when he
expresses an interest in a particular college? |
Answer: NO -- It just means that he did that. Most coaches do not think
this is an
indication of his ability -- most player's must been seen by the coaches
Question: How important is a player's physical appearance? I do not mean
is he 6'-1" tall and weigh 200 pounds. What I am referring to is tattoos, body
piercing, dress, odd hair styles, etc. Are any or all of these items a "negative"
to a college coach? |
Answer: Appearance is important. It is an indication of who the player is.
What he likes -- but it can not be the sole indicator -- many preachers have stolen
all of the money people own.
Question: If a player has a bad game, when a college coach is
in the stands watching him for the first time, does that mean it is
"over" as far as that school is concerned
Answer: There are no bad days -- only bad performances.
It is not over if the player hustles.
Question: How important is a player's "attitude appearance" when in
a game or at a practice? |
Answer: I think it is most important. Does he get after it? Does
he play hard? These are the things you can not teach -- either he does or he
doesn't. Either he competes or he doesn't.
Question: As the head coach of a smaller Division 1 university
what are the major differences in recruiting when compared to the
"major" schools? |
Answer: We do not put a coach "on the road". Most of our players
are from our state.
Question: :As the coach of a smaller school do you recruit on a
more regional scope than other larger schools?
Answer: Yes
Question: So many high school players have the attitude that
if they do not play college baseball at one of the D1 top 40 programs
they have failed. What advice can you offer a high school player
regarding the "big school" stigma? |
Answer: Not everyone in the Big Leagues played at L.S.U.
Last year we had a player go in the third round of the draft. ($305,000)
And a player that came in 4th in the nation in K's per 9 innings --
He went to the Rockies.
A player should go to a school where he can play, get an education and
have a wonderful experience.
Question: I know from talking to you that many times you will
recruit a player based on his "projected" abilities. What type of intangibles
do you look for when trying to do this? |
Answer: We look at size, speed -- but only for strength at certain
positions. Are players going to get bigger and stronger? At a small school
you have to take more chances.

Coach John Jarnigan
Head Baseball Coach
Morehead State University


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