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This is the first article in a series that will follow the experiences of a high school baseball player as he and his family make their way through the college recruiting process. Our "diary" will track the progress of one of the nations best "blue chip" high school pitchers.

Kris Honel's Journey

Our article focus will be about Kris Honel of Providence Catholic High School in New Lenox, Illinois. Kris's mother Mary Kay Honel has been kind enough to agree to provide regular updates on their experiences.
About Kris Honel

At this time Kris is being projected among the top 10 high school prospects in the country. (class of 2001)
High School: Providence Catholic
Physical: 6'-5" tall - 185 lbs.
Position: Right Handed - Pitcher
Age: 17
Parents: Mike & Mary Kay Honel
Sister: Kory (9)
Summer Team: Praire Gravel / Chicago
Summer Showcases: Team One National / Area Code Games
Honel's fastball is consistently between 90 and 92 mph. He also has what is considered one of the best curve balls among this years top high school pitchers. Add to this his "projectable" physical size and frame and many college programs, as well as professional teams are going to be watching Kris's progress this year.

Okay … let's get started ….. a few questions for Mary Kay:
Question: How many colleges have contacted Kris in writing?
Answer: "A lot … the file box that I started at the beginning of his sophomore year is now bursting with papers. I can't get him to throw anything away. Kris loves to look through all the baseball media guides and reading the player profiles, not to mention the pictures of the "Diamond Dollies" that some schools have."
Question Have any of the professional teams contacted Kris? |
Answer "I'd say Kris has received some type of correspondence from at least 12 pro teams / scouts. Initially it was invitations to try-outs and requests for game schedules, now it's questionnaires and Media guides.
Kris has taken the PF 16 personality test for one of the major league teams …. (187 questions UGH!!) and another club wants him to do it again next week. Kris wants to know why MLB doesn't just give one test and send the results to all teams interested, kind of like the ACT for colleges. I told him that would be the sensible thing to do … but look who runs MLB."
Question What about phone calls at the house … Does Kris receive a lot of them? |
Answer "My daughter (Kory) wants everyone to quit calling so that she can use the phone. Seriously … our phone rings constantly. Advisors/Agents, college coaches, scouts and financial advisors seem to all call on the same evenings. We have had call waiting since Kris reached puberty and discovered girls but it seems like now a days I can't have a phone conversation without it beeping at least once. Thank goodness for caller ID … but I guess on the flip side a lot of interest is better than no interest. One of the problems is that Kris is not often home, so a lot of the callers have to call back and then you get his father (Mike) on the phone - at least 20 30 minutes worth of conversation, he loves to talk baseball.
Question: What about "official visits" ... any planned yet? |
Answer: "We are in the process this week of nailing down travel plans for his official visits. He has 4 planned for D1 schools that have offered full rides and 1 left over in case someone calls at the last minute. Kind of like last night when a major D1 school called for the first time. (Where have they been?) I'll give you more info on this topic next week."
Up Next: Official visits, Genetics, Sibling Rivalry (Kris vs. Kory) and what Kris thinks about all the attention that he is receiving.
Kris Honel - Segment #1
Kris Honel - Segment #2
Kris Honel - Segment #3
Kris Honel - Segment #4
Kris Honel - Segment #5
If you have questions or comments for Mary Kay Honel post them on the Message Board and I will get them to her


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