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This is the second article in a series that will follow the experiences of a high school baseball player as he and his family make their way through the college recruiting process. Our "diary" will track the progress of one of the nations best "blue chip" high school pitchers.

Kris Honel

Picking up where we left of last week, we continue the journal following the recruiting and college selection choice of Kris Honel, Providence Catholic High School, NewLenox Illinois.

More Questions for Mary Kay
Question: What about "genetics"? Where did Kris get his athletic genes? |
Answer: "Kris's father Mike was a first team "All-American" (1st baseman) at Eastern
Illinois University. All four of my brothers played competitive baseball in high school and two
of them went on to play in college."
Question: But I've heard that there may be a real "secret" to Kris's genetic baseball
abilities. Anyone else in either family have a baseball background? |
Answer: "Kris's maternal great grandmother (whom he was named after) played 1st base and pitched for an all female baseball team in the early 1900's. (The Cardani's Aces)
My Dad (Grandpa "K") was a catcher for the Navy team and a baseball coach for over 30 years. Mike also coached high school baseball for many years and 2 years at the University of Evansville). He gave up coaching when Kris started high school to be able to watch him play."
Question: What about Mom? Any athletic ability? |
Answer: "I myself never played competitive sports, by choice. After being dragged by my parents to every type of game during my younger years, I started bringing my sketch book or a book to read. I became the avid reader and artist that I am today. This doesn't mean that I am not competitive ... just in a more non-physical type of way."
Question: What about Kris's sister (your daughter) Kory? Any interest in athletics? |
Answer: "Kory is 9 years old and loves gymnastics. She is a level 6 competitive gymnast (state top 10 since she was 7). She also pitches for her softball team. Gymnastics are special to her because it is something that Kris can not do, and never will be able to. (sibling rivalries)"
How does Kris handle the attention, what are his reactions to all the recruiting "fuss?" |
Answer "He doesn't spend a whole lot of time ruminating about all the attention....he's too busy with his social life, girlfriend,friends and school. He goes to school about 30 miles away
from our hometown so a lot of people in our town don't even know what's going on with him. He hasn't played town ball since he was 10. We haven't sent anything to the local paper and the articles that are in the Chicago papers are only seen by a few neighbors. We like to keep a low profile. He's always surprised when someone asks for his autograph. This happens at school and sometimes kids send letters to his school requesting this and he just signs the cards and sends them back. One person sent a baseball. I keep trying to get him to sign a clean room contract but he catches me every time. HA ... I think he's handling this about as well as can be expected for a typical 17 yr. old."
"We keep him pretty grounded and are constantly talking to him about pressures (self induced or otherwise).I can't even imagine having to go through this without a solid family background. It would be very easy to lose sight of the "big picture" without support."
Question: Any update on Kris's plans for official visits? |
Answer: "Kris will not start his official visits until September 23rd."
Bob Note: We'll save the official visit information until next week. Hopefully we'll get an update about each visit and Kris's thoughts about each school

Kris Honel - Segment #1
Kris Honel - Segment #2
Kris Honel - Segment #3
Kris Honel - Segment #4
Kris Honel - Segment #5


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